Insert a timer function block in network 2

You will learn

  1. Choose between two options to find the TM_100ms_FB instruction easily
    Using Filter settings
    1. Set location filter to FP Library
    2. set instruction type filter to Function Block
    Enter instruction's name
    1. In the text box, enter TM_100ms_FB (also partly, e.g. "100ms", without blanks)
    The filter result lists all instructions that match the filter criteria.
  2. Double-click on TM_100ms_FB
  3. Place the timer in network 2
  4. Enter a name for the timer, e.g. Timer1
  5. Press <Enter>

    The Create new variable dialog will open.

  6. OK

    After you have declared the timer function block, Control FPWIN Pro7 assigns a timer number and reserves memory space for it.

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