Export objects

  1. Project > Export > All objects

    You can export a complete project as an ASCII file, e.g. to back it up on a memory media.

    or use Project > Export > Objects selected in navigator.... Use <Shift> and/or <Ctrl> for multiple selection.

  2. Select path
  3. Select file type

    Possible file types are:

    • Control FPWIN Pro7 (*.asc)
    • reusability level POU files or type files (*.st, *.typ)

    Two character-encoding formats are available:

    • Unicode UTF-16 format (default). This is the recommended format with correct representation of all Unicode characters. This format can only be imported with Control FPWIN Pro version 5.31 or higher.

    • Multibyte (Multi-Byte Character Set, MBCS) format. This format can be imported with all earlier versions of Control FPWIN Pro.

  4. Enter file name
  5. Save
  • The file type Reusability level: POU files (*.st) is available for POUs only that are created with the ST editor.

  • The file type Reusability level: type files (*.typ) is available only for data unit types created under DUTs in the navigator.

Modified on: 2020-10-01Feedback on this pagePanasonic hotline