Open library

A user library has to be opened for editing, for example to insert a POU.

  1. Double-click Libraries in the navigator
  2. Select installed user library
  3. Object > Library > Open

    The Password dialog box is displayed.

  4. Enter password

    Entering a password is not mandatory. If you do not intend to enter a password, simply click OK.

  5. OK

     After the password has been entered correctly, the state of the library changes from installed to open. Now you can edit library objects, just like POUs in the POU pool. To this end, open the library (double-click path in navigator).

    You can also copy objects from the POU pool into the user library (Edit > Copy and Edit > Paste). The library state changes to changed in that case.

Modified on: 2020-05-19Feedback on this pagePanasonic hotline