Select FP-X, which supports a wider variety of transfer functions, and a reduced version for all other PLCs except for FP7, which does not support this feature.
to transfer data from internal RAM to an externally or internally added ROM unit or vice versa. There are two versions of this dialog box: an extended version forThe PLC has to be in PROG mode to transfer data.
Always turn off the power when you attach or detach a memory cassette to the PLC.
With an FP-X, switching from PROG to RUN mode triggers the actual stored data to be transferred from the external memory cassette to the PLC's internal memory.
If no master memory cassette is attached to the FP-X, only the data register (DT) transfer mode is active.
This feature is not supported by the FP7
Memory transfer direction
Choose the transfer direction between internal (RAM) memory to external (ROM) memory or the other way round and select Execute to start the transfer operation. This operation transfers the program code and system registers.
Memory transfer mode
If Transfer data registers (DT) (RAM <=> ROM) is enabled, the data registers are transferred from RAM to the internal ROM or vice versa.
If Transfer selected data (internal memory <=> master memory) is enabled, the selected data (comment memory and/or FROM blocks) are transferred from the PLC to the external master memory cassette (MRTC) or vice versa.
Master memory status information (FP-X only)
This group displays the current status of the attached master memory cassette (MRTC). The data stored in the master memory cassette is represented with Yes/No options.
Master memory transfer options (FP-X only)
Here you can select which data you wish to transfer. Possible selection can be the comment memory area and/or the FROM data section. In the FROM section, enter the start block number (0–15) and the number of blocks (1–16) to be transferred.
PLC upload protection (FP-X only)
Activate this check box for upload protection. If this function has been enabled and data is retransferred from the external master memory cassette to the internal memory, the PLC is upload-protected i.e. no data can be loaded from the PLC to the PC.