Control FPWIN Pro7 offers four types of manufacturer's libraries:
IEC standard library:
Contains a collection of standard functions and function blocks as defined by IEC 61131-3, e.g. data type conversion functions, arithmetic functions, bit shift functions, comparison functions, bistable function blocks, timers, or counters. See also advantages of IEC instructions.
FP library:
Contains the complete FP instruction set, which includes FP and F instructions. FP instructions were developed for the FP7 but are supported by the other FP series PLCs. Many F instructions provide similar functionality but operate on different data types. Overloaded FP instructions combine these instructions, making it easier for users to select the appropriate instruction.
FP instructions: e.g. FP_MOVE_BLOCK, FP_BAND
F instructions: e.g. F0_MV, F159_MTRN, F171_PulseOutput_Home
FP pulsed library:
Contains the complete set of P instructions. P instructions correspond, with regard to their function, to the F instructions; however, they are executed only in case of a rising edge. P instructions are only available for the PLC types FP2/2SH, FP3/5, and FP10/10SH. If you require a P instruction, select [Insert P instruction] from the Instructions pane.
Example: e.g. P0_MV
FP tool library:
Contains advanced address, information and copy functions, which facilitate programming. Tool instructions are available for all PLC types.
For advantages of tool instructions over F instructions, see the general information on high-speed counter and pulse output instructions.
Example: Adr_Of_Var I, Unit_AnalogInOut_FP0_A21, HscControl_CountingDisable, Pulse_TargetValueMatch_Reset
The availability of functions and function blocks depends on the PLC type used. The IEC timers (TP, TON, TOF, E_TP, ...), for example, are not available for the FP1-C14/C16/C24/C40 and FP5 (V1.0 - 1.9).
The POU bodies of the IEC functions and function blocks can neither be viewed nor modified.