Local variables list

Each POU has a list of local variables, i.e. the POU header. VAR_EXTERNAL references a global variable in the local variables list.

The fields in the variable lists have the following meaning:
  1.  (1) Class is the variable class, e.g. VAR, VAR_GLOBAL etc.
  2.  (2) Identifier is the symbolic name that is used in the program.
  3.  (3) Type: after entering an address, a data type is automatically preselected (e.g. BOOL, INT, STRING). Another type can be selected from the list.
  4.  (4) Initial is the starting value which is assigned to the variable whenever your PLC is started. You can change the value if required.
  5.  (5) Comment is a description of a variable.
  • Identifiers may not start with a number.
  • Identifiers using a special syntax can determine the data type according to the prefix table.
  • FP addresses (X0, Y1, etc.) are fixed terms and may not be used as identifiers.
  • To add empty lines to the list, press <Shift>+<Return>
  • Insert new lines with Edit > New declaration > Top > Before > After > Bottom
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