This is a predefined DUT with overlapping elements. The DUT can be used for communication between the PLC and a touch terminal of the GT series.
When you have defined one or more line graphs in GTWIN, the line graph control function becomes available. Select On if you want to use it and then select a register as the control device.
The control device helps you monitor sampling data for up to 5 graphs and allows you to perform the following functions for each graph: start and stop sampling data, check the status, or clear the memory. The table below explains the bit assignment of the control device.
Gr. = Graph
When a bit is set, the status is true, i.e. the function is executed. For example, when bit 9 is set to 1, the memory for graph 1 is full. Clear it by setting bit 1 of byte N+1 (WGR31 if WGR30 is the control device selected) to 1.
Timing diagram for clearing the memory