
This DUT can be used with the following instruction(s): FP_PID

We recommend specifying the non-hold type area.

Elements of the DUT (identifiers):


Since this is a DUT with overlapping elements, the BOOL members occupy the same data areas as the WORD member w0. Therefore by using w0 you can simultaneously access all bits.


(Bit 0)

When set, auto- tuning is requested. This bit is reset when auto-tuning is complete. Reset this bit to cancel auto-tuning. When not set, PID control will be executed.


(Bit 1)

When set, auto-tuning has been completed successfully.


(Bit 2)

When set, the manipulated value output is held when the execution condition changes from FALSE to TRUE.


(Bit 3)

  • FALSE to use PWM control.

  • TRUE to use an analog output unit for output. In this case transmit the output value (F356_Parameters_NonHold_DUT.MV) to WY of an analog output unit.


(Bit 4)

  • When FALSE, the maximum value of the internal output is the output upper limit value +20% of the output range (output upper limit value - output lower limit value), and the minimum value is the output lower limit value -20% of the output range.

  • When TRUE, the maximum value of the internal output is the output upper limit value, and the minimum value is the output lower limit value.

Modified on: 2021-06-07Feedback on this pagePanasonic hotline