Allowed are:

  • These data types can lie in the following areas: WX, DWX, WY, DWY, WR, DWR, WL, DWL, SV, DSV, EV, DEV, DT, DDT, LD, DLD, FL, DFL.

    For failure to make an assignment in the address field of the global variable list or for local variables, they are automatically placed in DT, DDT, FL or DFL by the compiler.

  • Arrays with the data type BOOL under the condition that the total number of elements can be divided by 16.

    These types can lie in the areas X, Y, R, L, T, and C. For failure to make an assignment in the address field of the global variable list or for local variables, they are automatically placed in area R by the compiler.

  • All DUTs with a number of simple BOOL variables divisible by 16 remain.

    These are automatically placed by the compiler in area R.

Modified on: 2019-01-26Feedback on this pagePanasonic hotline