A transition is a conditional jump. If a transition is TRUE, the next step is activated.
A transition can be:
A Boolean variable or address (e.g. bVar or R0):
The transition is TRUE if the assigned variable or address is TRUE.
Single-line comments //
or multi-line comments (*........*)
, /*........*/
can be placed anywhere to help others understand the intent of the program.
The transition is TRUE if the calculation result of the ST program code is TRUE.
Single-line comments //
or multi-line comments (*........*)
, /*........*/
can be placed anywhere to help others understand the intent of the program.
The transition is TRUE if the variable with the name of the transition is TRUE. The variable with the transition name is automatically declared by Control FPWIN Pro7.
When you assign a program to a transition, the following restrictions apply:
Only one network is permitted in the transition body.
Functions with enable input may not be used.