This DUT can be used with the following instruction(s): FP_SYSTEM_MONITOR_READ

Elements of the DUT (identifiers):

wSyntaxErrorCode (WORD)

Syntax error code number

dwSyntaxErrorAddress (DWORD)

Syntax error code address

wSyntaxErrorProgramBlockNumber (WORD)

Number of the program block in which a syntax error occurred

wSyntaxErrorFirstTime_YYMM (WORD)

First occurrence of syntax error in BCD format Year, Month

wSyntaxErrorFirstTime_DDHH (WORD)

First occurrence of syntax error in BCD format Day, Hour

wSyntaxErrorFirstTime_MMSS (WORD)

First occurrence of syntax error in BCD format Minute, Second

Modified on: 2020-10-01Feedback on this pagePanasonic hotline