This DUT can be used with the following instruction(s): FP_SYSTEM_MONITOR_READ
Elements of the DUT (identifiers):
Battery voltage
Hold value of the battery level drop
Time of the battery level drop in BCD format Year, Month
Time of the battery level drop in BCD format Day, Hour
Time of the battery level drop in BCD format Minute, Second
Gold capacitor voltage
Hold value of the gold capacitor level drop
Time of the gold capacitor level drop in BCD format Year, Month
Time of the gold capacitor level drop in BCD format Day, Hour
Time of the gold capacitor level drop in BCD format Minute, Second
S capacitor voltage
S capacitor voltage error
Time of the S capacitor level drop in BCD format Year, Month
Time of the S capacitor level drop in BCD format Day, Hour
Time of the S capacitor level drop in BCD format Minute, Second