Use wildcards

A wildcard character is a placeholder used to enlarge your search results by using inexact or variable search strings.

Activate the icon Use wildcards in the Find dialog

Wildcard character




Any single character except space or tab or .()[]|\*+-/:=<>&;,

te??1 finds text1 or temp1


Any character (occuring 0 or more times) except space or tab or .()[]|\*+-/:=<>&;,

test* finds test, tests or tester

t*st finds test or toast


Explicitly find a question mark

te?t\? finds test? or text?


Explicitly find an asterisk

test*\* finds test*, tests* or tester*

Search for \ characters (backslash) with wildcards

All \ characters that appear in the search text immediately before the wildcard characters *, \*, ?, \? must be escaped by a \ character.

Search expression



Finds \ followed by any character (0 or more times)


Finds \ followed by the * character


Finds \\ followed by any character (0 or more times)


Finds \\ followed by the * character


Finds \ followed by any single character


Finds \ followed by the ? character


Finds \\ followed by any single character


Finds \\ followed by the ? character

Modified on: 2022-08-22Feedback on this pagePanasonic hotline