Use cases for version-controlled projects

Create a new object

  1. User1 changes a version-controlled project, e.g. creates a new POU in the POU pool of the navigator.
    At this time, also the working copy is updated and contains the new file "<POU name>.asc".
  2. User1 opens the working copy with the file explorer and selects the new file in the "POUs" subfolder.
  3. User1 selects TortoiseSVN > Add and (later, maybe together with other changes) SVN Commit... to commit his changes, and confirms with OK.
    The new POU is added to the project repository, and other users can get this new object into their working copy.
  4. User2 selects her working copy with the file explorer.
  5. User2 selects SVN Update to update her working copy from the project repository.

    The working copy of User2 is updated and immediately the new object is visible there and in her project.

    Now, User2 can change this POU in her project, e.g. by adding a new variable.

Change an object

  1. User2 saves the changed POU with the new variable.
  2. User2 selects her working copy with the file explorer.
  3. User2 applies SVN Commit... to send the changes from her working copy to the project repository.

    Now, User1 can update his working copy again with the new changes from User2.

    If User1 is currently editing the changed POU and has unsaved changes, he will be asked whether he wants to keep his changes or use the changes from the project repository for his working copy.

Delete an object

  1. Delete a DUT from the DUT pool in the navigator
  2. Right-click the working copy folder or the "DUTs" subfolder and select TortoiseSVN > Check for modifications
  3. In the dialog that appears, right-click the line written in red font for the file of the deleted object (status missing) and select Delete so that the DUT will be deleted from the project repository on the next commit, and confirm with OK
  4. Select SVN Commit... to delete the DUT from the project repository and confirm with OK

    When other users update their working copy with SVN Update, the DUT is deleted from their working copy, too. If a user is currently editing the DUT in question and has unsaved changes, he will be asked whether he wants to keep the DUT with his changes or whether it is ok if the DUT is deleted from his working copy. In the first case, the DUT will be handled like a new object in his working copy (this requires the command TortoiseSVN > Add) since it already has been deleted from the project repository.

Undo local changes

Right-click one or more changed objects and select TortoiseSVN > Revert to undo the corresponding local changes in the working copy. The reverted changed objects’ files are replaced by those revisions from the project repository that were updated/committed last from/to it.

This way, a working copy can be reverted object-wise or file-wise, partially or completely. The reversion will be automatically done in the open project.

It is also possible to go back to an earlier revision in the project repository by updating or reverting the working copy to that revision. This will automatically be reflected in the project, too.


It is not possible to commit any changes based on an old revision!

Modified on: 2022-08-22Feedback on this pagePanasonic hotline