List of error codes that may occur during Modbus/MEWTOCOL communication.
Error code |
Description |
0 |
Normal completion |
1 |
Communication port is used for master communication |
2 |
Communication port is used for slave communication |
3 |
No. of master communication instructions that can be used at the same time is exceeded |
4 |
Transmission timeout |
5 |
Timeout while waiting for a response |
6 |
Error in received data This error occurs when an abnormal telegram is received, e.g. when there is a format error in the header. In this case, the received data is discarded. |
7 |
Insufficient area reserved in I/O map This error occurs when the number of Ethernet connections exceeds 16 (Advanced Ethernet communication). Check whether the word area reserved for communication control flags is big enough for the number of Ethernet connections. |
8 |
Send buffer currently in use This error may occur for FP7 PLCs with firmware version 4.57 or later. |
9 |
Master unit station number not set |
21 |
NACK error |
22 |
WACK error |
23 |
Duplicated unit number |
24 |
Transmission format error |
25 |
FP7 multi-wire link unit hardware error |
26 |
Unit number setting errror |
27 |
Packet not supported |
28 |
No response |
29 |
FP7 multi-wire link unit hardware error |
30 |
Transmission timeout |
31–39 |
FP7 multi-wire link unit hardware error |
41 |
Format error |
60 |
Parameter error |
61 |
Data error |
91 |
Missing expansion unit error |
8001 |
Function code error |
8002 |
Starting address outside the permissible range |
8003 |
Number of data outside the permissible range |