
Use this DUT to make control code settings for all pulse output instructions. The universal DUT is a feature of the tool instructions for pulse output and applies to all PLCs.

Elements of the DUT (identifiers):

iChannel (INT)

Pulse output channel:

FPS: 0, 2

FP-X R: 0, 1

FP-X 16K C14T: 0, 1, 2

FP-X 32K C30T, C60T: 0, 1, 2, 3

FP0R: 0, 1, 2, 3

FP0: 0, 1

FP-e: 0, 1

bOutput_Pulse_ForwardTrue (BOOL)

FP0R, FPS, FP-X: Pulse output method = Pulse/direction Control is carried out using one pulse output to specify the speed and another to specify the direction of rotation with TRUE/FALSE signals. (Forward TRUE: In this mode, forward rotation is carried out when the rotation direction signal is TRUE.)

If neither bOutput_Pulse_ForwardTrue nor bOutput_Pulse_ForwardFalse: Control is carried out using two pulses: a positive or clockwise rotation pulse (CW) and a negative or counterclockwise rotation pulse (CCW pulse).

FP0, FP-e: Pulses only

bOutput_Pulse_ForwardFalse (BOOL)

FP0R, FPS, FP-X: Pulse output method = Pulse/direction Control is carried out using one pulse output to specify the speed and another to specify the direction of rotation with TRUE/FALSE signals. (Forward FALSE: In this mode, forward rotation is carried out when the rotation direction signal is FALSE.)

If neither bOutput_Pulse_ForwardTrue nor bOutput_Pulse_ForwardFalse: Control is carried out using two pulses: a positive or clockwise rotation pulse (CW) and a negative or counterclockwise rotation pulse (CCW pulse).

FP0, FP-e: Pulses only

bAccelerationSteps60 (BOOL)

FPS, FP-X: Number of acceleration/deceleration steps = 60 (else 30)

bDutyRatio25 (BOOL)

FPS, FP-X: Duty ratio (for pulse duration and period).

The ratio between the pulse duration and the period of a rectangular waveform. For a pulse train in which the pulse duration is 1ms and the pulse period is 4ms, the duty ratio is 0.25 or 25%.

bFrequencyRange_48Hz_100kHz (BOOL)

FPS, FP-X: Frequency range for initial and target speed = 48Hz–100kHz (else 1.5Hz–9.8kHz)

bFrequencyRange_191Hz_100kHz (BOOL)

FPS, FP-X: Frequency range for initial and target speed = 191Hz–100kHz (else 1.5Hz–9.8kHz)

bPulseWidth80µs (BOOL)

FP0, FP-e: Pulse width = 80ms

iDutyRatioIn10PercentSteps (INT)

FP0, FP-e: Duty ratio (for pulse duration and period)

The ratio between the pulse duration and the period of a rectangular waveform. For a pulse train in which the pulse duration is 1ms and the pulse period is 4ms, the duty ratio is 0.25 or 25% = 10–90% (in steps of 10%)

bEnableHomeOnlyAfterNearHomeDeceleration (BOOL)

Operation mode


Type 1

The home input is effective only after deceleration (started by near home input) has been completed.

(else type 0)

The home input is effective regardless of whether or not there is a near home input, whether deceleration is taking place, or whether deceleration has been completed.


Type 2

The home input is effective only after deceleration (started by near home input) has been completed.

(else type 1)

The home input is effective regardless of whether or not there is a near home input, whether deceleration is taking place, or whether deceleration has been completed.
iHomeInputDeviationCounterClearSignalOutputTime_in_0p5ms (INT)

FP0R, FPS, FP-X: Deviation counter clear signal= 0–200 [x0.5ms]

For F171_PulseOutput_Home, the instruction used internally, the valid range is 0–100 without conversion.
bCalculationOnly (BOOL)

FP0R (JOG operation, Trapezoidal control): Output operation = Calculation only (else Pulse output)

bTrapezoidalMaximumTargetSpeed50kHz (BOOL)

FP0R: Type 1 (The speed can be changed within the range of the maximum speed (50kHz).

Else type 0 (The speed can be changed within the range of the target speed specified first.)

bExecuteInInterrupt (BOOL)

FP0R (JOG operation, Trapezoidal control): Execute in interrupt program (else in main program)

bJogWithNoCounting (BOOL)

FP0, FP-e, FPS, FP-X: No counting (CW or CCW only), Mode with no target value

bContinueAfterDone (BOOL)

Operation connection mode: Use sys_bIsCircularInterpolationOverwritingPossible

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