Control FPWIN Pro7 provides different types of libraries in which system instructions are declared:
IEC standard library: e.g. ADD, CONCAT, MOVE, see also advantages of IEC instructions
FP library:
FP instructions: e.g. FP_MOVE_BLOCK, FP_BAND, see also advantages of FP instructions
F instructions: e.g. F0_MV, F159_MTRN, F171_PulseOutput_Home
FP pulsed library:
P instructions (for FP2/2SH, FP3/5, FP10/10SH) are only executed at the rising edge of the EN trigger. Select Insert P instruction from the Instructions pane if you require a P instruction.
FP tool library: e.g. Adr_Of_Var I, Unit_AnalogInOut_FP0_A21, HscControl_CountingDisable, Pulse_TargetValueMatch_Reset
Use the location filter from the Instructions pane to expedite programming.
Please note that the information in this help system can only provide a general overview. For more detailed information, please refer to the manuals on the individual Panasonic PLCs.