Redundant instruction
This is a redundant instruction. It is replaced by: LIMIT
The output value (real number data) stored in the area specified by d is controlled based on whether or not the input value (real number data) specified by s3 falls within the range bounded by the upper and lower limits (real number data) set in s1 and s2.
Real number data for lower limit.
Real number data for upper limit.
Real number input value.
Area where output value is stored.
The output value is determined based on the following conditions:
When the lower limit s1 is greater than the input value s3, the lower limit value s1 is stored in d as the output value.
When the upper limit s2 is less than the input value s3, the upper limit value s2 is stored in d as the output value.
When lower limit s1 £ input value s3 £ upper limit s2, the input value s3 is stored in d as the output value.
Instead of using F347_FLIMT, you can use variables of the type REAL with the more flexible instruction LIMIT.
if the value at s1_Min > s2_Max
if the value at s1_Min > s2_Max
if the result of processing is between the upper and lower limits.