Redundant instruction
This is a redundant instruction. It is replaced by: FP_ROR_CARRY
Rotates n bits of the 16-bit data specified by d including the data of carry-flag to the right if the trigger EN is in the ON-state.
Number of bits to be rotated
16-bit area
Instead of using this F instruction, we recommend using the corresponding FP7 instruction: FP_ROR_CARRYFP_ROR_CARRY
This example rotates one bit to the right. When n bits with carry-flag data are rotated to the right,
the data in bit position n-1 (nth bit starting from bit position 0) are transferred to the system variable sys_bIsCarry (carry-flag).
n bits starting from bit position 0 are shifted out to the right and carry-flag data and n-1 bits starting from bit position 0 are subsequently shifted into the higher bit positions of the 16-bit data specified by d.