STRING into IP address
This function converts a STRING in IP address format into a value of the data type DWORD.
Thereby the attached string is first converted into a value of the data type STRING[32]. Finally this is converted into a value of the data type DWORD via a sub-programm of approx. 330 steps that is also used in the functions STRING_TO_IPADDR and STRING_TO_ETLANADDR.
The analysis ends with the first non-decimal number after the 4th octet or in case of a format error.
If the format is wrong the result is 0.
The conversion is such that the first octet represents the lowest byte of the IP address and the fourth octet the highest byte of the ET-LAN address. The format corresponds to the standard format as used in "Standard Socket Application Interfaces", for example.
Permissible format: '[Space]Octet1.Octet2.Octet3.Octet4[Space]', e.g.: ' [] '
Permissible characters Octets 1-4:
Decimal numbers "0“-"9“, maximal 3 positions, with or without leading zeros in the range 0-255
Space: All characters except for decimal numbers