Evaluates if a specific high-speed counter channel is enabled
Use this instruction for conditional compilation within the ST editor. The instruction returns TRUE if the high speed-counter channel number specified by INT_iHscChannel is enabled; otherwise it returns FALSE.
#IF IsHscChannelEnabled(0) <>0 #THEN
(*condition TRUE if channel 0 is enabled: first part is compiled and executed*)
(*condition FALSE: second part is compiled and executed*)
FPS: 0, 2
FP-X R: 0, 1
FP-X 16K C14T: 0, 1, 2
FP-X 32K C30T, C60T: 0, 1, 2, 3
FP0R: 0, 1, 2, 3
FP0: 0, 1
FP-e: 0, 1