Redundant instruction


This is a redundant instruction. It is replaced by: FP_RAMP

Executes linear ramp output based on the parameters set.



s1_InitialValue (INT)

The initial value from which the output value increases or decreases after the trigger's rising edge has been detected by the system

s2_TargetValue (INT)

The target value to which the output value increases or decreases

s3_RiseTime (INT)

The time range in ms for the output value to increase or decrease from the initial value to the target value


d_OutputValue (INT)

The output value


Instead of using this F instruction, we recommend using the corresponding FP7 instruction: FP_RAMP

Error flags

sys_bIsOperationErrorHold (turns to TRUE and remains TRUE)
  • if the area specified using the index modifier exceeds the limit.

  • if the output time range specified by s3_RiseTime is smaller than 1 or larger than 30000.

sys_bIsOperationErrorNonHold (turns to TRUE for one scan)
  • if the area specified using the index modifier exceeds the limit.

  • if the output time range specified by s3_RiseTime is smaller than 1 or larger than 30000.

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