Redundant instruction


This is a redundant instruction. It is replaced by: FP_ZONE

The function adds an offset value to the input value at input s3_In. The offset value for the negative and positive area are entered at inputs s1_NegBias and s2_PosBias.



s1_NegBias (REAL)

area where negative bias value is stored or negative bias value data

s2_PosBias (REAL)

area where positive bias value is stored or positive bias value data

s3_In (REAL)

area where input value is stored or input value data


d (REAL)

area where output value is stored


Instead of using this F instruction, we recommend using the corresponding FP7 instruction: FP_ZONE

The result of the function is returned at output d as follows:

Error flags

sys_bIsOperationErrorHold (turns to TRUE and remains TRUE)

if the values at inputs s1_NegBias, s2_PosBias, and s3_In are not REAL numbers.

sys_bIsOperationErrorNonHold (turns to TRUE for one scan)

if the values at inputs s1_NegBias, s2_PosBias, and s3_In are not REAL numbers.

sys_bIsEqual (turns to TRUE and remains TRUE)

if the result is 0.

sys_bIsCarry (turns to TRUE for one scan)

if the result causes an overflow.

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