Timer for 1s intervals (0 to 32767s)
This is a user-defined function from a system function block. This timer for 1s units works as an ON-delay timer. If the start contact of the function is in the ON state, the preset time SV (set value) is started. When this time has elapsed, the timer contact T turns ON.
start contact
each time a rising edge is detected, the set value SV is copied to the elapsed value EV and the timer is started
set value
the defined ON-delay time (0 to 32767s)
Internal memory containing the internal values and states, which corresponds to the instance memory of the associated FB.
timer contact
is set when the time defined at SV has elapsed, this means when EV becomes 0
elapsed value
count value from which 1 is subtracted every 1s while the timer is running
The value can be changed during counting operation by writing to the variable from the programming editor.
The number of available timers is limited and depends on the settings in the system registers 5 and 6.