ASCII data check

This FP instruction checks whether the ASCII codes stored in the area specified by s2_AsciiData can be converted correctly using the conversion method specified by s1_Format.

  • If the results are correct, the system variable sys_bIsEqual and the output d_IsValid turns on.

  • If the results are incorrect, the system variable sys_bIsEqual and the output d_IsValid turns off.


The FP instructions FP_ASCII_TO_BIN and FP_ASCII_CHECK do not differentiate between upper and lower case.



s1_Format (STRING)

Control and format string set in inverted commas


Starting address for storing ASCII data

n_Conversions (WORD, INT, UINT)

Quantity of numbers to be converted: 0–65535

n_AsciiDataStartPosition (INT)

Starting position in ASCII data: 0–255


d_IsValid (BOOL)

TRUE, if ASCII data consits of binary numbers that can be converted into the desired format

Explanation of each digit of the control code s1_Format:

Position in the control code



16-bit PLCs

32-bit PLCs

Conversion direction



forward (only for hexadecimal numbers with specifier x, X)


if plus sign is omitted: reverse (default setting)



format string specifier (mandatory)


Padding format



fill with zeros




add a plus sign




left alignment




(space) add a space instead of plus sign




insert 0x for hexadecimal numbers



append always a decimal point for real number




width of the ASCII data element


no width

  • FP_BIN_TO_ASCII: required minimum width is assumed

  • FP_ASCII_TO_BIN and FP_ASCII_CHECK: comma separator is required



Precision after decimal point



any digit after decimal point




double length specifier

e.g. specifier i with l = Ii -> DINT


Format specifier













hexadecimal lower case



hexadecimal upper case







floating-point number




exponential 1.23e10




exponential upper case 1.23E10




floating or exponential




floating or exponential upper case



  • For FP_BIN_TO_ASCII: any string can be appended to the conversion e.g. 'PANA'

  • For FP_ASCII_TO_BIN and FP_ASCII_CHECK: only comma is allowed



available on 16-bit/32-bit PLCs

Examples of control string s1_Format

  • Example: '+%4X' converts a binary value to a value with a width of four characters in upper case in forward direction (valid for 16-bit/32-bit PLCs)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '˽12A'

  • Example: '%4X' converts a binary value to a value with a width of four characters in upper case in reverse direction (valid for 16-bit/32-bit PLCs)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '˽B2A'

  • Example: '%06d' converts a binary value to a value with a width of six characters, decimal value with three leading zeros (valid for 32-bit PLCs only)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '000100'

  • Example: '%+4d' converts a binary value to a value with a width of four characters, decimal value, + sign added (valid for 32-bit PLCs only)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '+100 ˽ ˽'

  • Example: '%-6d' converts a binary value to a value with a width of six characters, left aligned (valid for 32-bit PLCs only)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '100˽ ˽ ˽'

  • Example: '%˽4d' converts a binary value to a value with a width of four characters with one leading space (valid for 32-bit PLCs only)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '˽100'

  • Example: '%#8.0f' converts a binary value to a value with a width of eight characters, floating-point number, four leading spaces (valid for 32-bit PLCs only)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '˽ ˽ ˽ ˽123.'

  • Example: '%8.3f' converts a binary value to a value with a width of eight characters, three characters precision after decimal point (valid for 32-bit PLCs only)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '˽123.456'

  • Example: '+%10u' converts a binary value to a value with a width of 10 characters, seven leading spaces, unsigned integer (valid for 32-bit PLCs only)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '˽ ˽ ˽ ˽ ˽ ˽ ˽100'

  • Example: '%06d' converts a binary value to a value with a width of six characters with three leading spaces (valid for 16-bit/32-bit PLCs)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '˽ ˽ ˽100'

    Permissible range for the value before the specifier:

    '˽ ˽ ˽ ˽ ˽100PANA'

    if no width is specified, comma is appended e.g. '%d,' (valid for 32-bit PLCs only)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '100,'

    • FP_BIN_TO_ASCII: required minimum width is assumed

    • FP_ASCII_TO_BIN and FP_ASCII_CHECK: comma separator is required

  • Example: '+%4ld' converts a binary value to a value with a width of four characters, requires DINT or DWORD for the converted result (valid for 16-bit/32-bit PLCs)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '˽100'

  • Example: '+%6i' converts a binary value to a value with a width of six characters, three leading spaces, signed integer in forward direction (valid for 16-bit/32-bit PLCs)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '˽ ˽ ˽-100'

  • Example: '+%6d' converts a binary value to a value with a width of six characters with three leading zeros in forward direction (valid for 16-bit/32-bit PLCs)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '000100'

  • Example: '+%4X' converts a binary value to a value with a width of four characters, hexadecimal number in upper case in forward direction (valid for 16-bit/32-bit PLCs)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '˽12A'

  • Example: '+%5b' converts a binary value to a value with a width of five characters, BCD data (valid for 32-bit PLCs only)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '˽123'

  • Example: '+%-6.2f' converts a binary value to a value with a width of six characters, left aligned, precision two digits after decimal point (valid for 32-bit PLCs only)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '1.23˽'

  • Example: '+%9.3e' converts a binary value to a value with a width of 9 characters, precision 3 digits after decimal point, exponential lower case (valid for 32-bit PLCs only)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '1.235e+03'

  • Example: '1.235E+03' converts a binary value to a value with a width of 9 characters, precision 3 digits after decimal point, exponential upper case (valid for 32-bit PLCs only)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '1.235E+03'

  • Example: '+%12g' converts a binary value to a value with a width of 12 characters, floating-point number (valid for 32-bit PLCs only)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '˽ ˽ ˽ ˽ ˽1234.57'

  • Example: '+%9.3G' converts a binary value to a value with a width of nine characters, precision three characters after decimal point, floating-point number, exponential upper case (valid for 32-bit PLCs only)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '˽ ˽ ˽1.E+03'

  • For FP_BIN_TO_ASCII: any string can be appended to the conversion

    Example: '+%8dPANA' converts a binary value to a value with a width of eight characters, decimal number, 'PANA' is appended (valid for 32-bit PLCs only)

    Valid ASCII data for this example: '˽ ˽ ˽ ˽ ˽100PANA'

Error flags

sys_bIsOperationErrorHold (turns to TRUE and remains TRUE)
  • if there is an error in the control string specified by sFormat.

  • if forward direction (+) is specified in sFormat when the format is decimal.

  • if the number of ASCII characters per converted unit specified by n_Conversions exceeds 4 for 16-bit data or 8 for 32-bit data when hexadecimal format is specified by s1_Format.

  • if 0 is specified for the no. of 16- or 32-bit (1- or 2-word) units to be converted in n_Conversions.

  • if the number of 16- or 32-bit decimal numbers to be converted specified by n_Conversions exceeds the area for storing ASCII data.

  • if the converted result exceeds the area.

sys_bIsOperationErrorNonHold (turns to TRUE for one scan)
  • if there is an error in the control string specified by sFormat.

  • if forward direction (+) is specified in sFormat when the format is decimal.

  • if the number of ASCII characters per converted unit specified by n_Conversions exceeds 4 for 16-bit data or 8 for 32-bit data when hexadecimal format is specified by s1_Format.

  • if 0 is specified for the no. of 16- or 32-bit (1- or 2-word) units to be converted in n_Conversions.

  • if the number of 16- or 32-bit decimal numbers to be converted specified by n_Conversions exceeds the area for storing ASCII data.

  • if the converted result exceeds the area.


POU header

All input and output variables used for programming this function have been declared in the POU header. The same POU header is used for all programming languages.

		bStart: BOOL:=FALSE;
		sExample1: STRING[32]:='*1234,5678,';
		bIsAsciiValid: BOOL:=FALSE;

POU body

When bStart is set to TRUE, the instruction checks whether the data connected at s2_AsciiData can be converted to decimal data when the format string is '%d'.

LD body

        ACTIVE_NETWORK := 0 ;
        NETWORK_LABEL :=  ;
        NETWORK_TITLE :=  ;
        NETWORK_HEIGHT := 8 ;

ST body

If (bStart) then
    FP_ASCII_CHECK(s1_Format := '%d,',
                   s2_AsciiData := Adr_Of_VarOffs(Var := sExample1, Offs := 2),
                   n_Conversions := 2, 
                   n_AsciiDataStartPosition := 1,
                   d_IsValid => bIsAsciiValid);

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