
JOG operation and positioning

The specified number of pulses is output after the position control trigger input has turned to TRUE. A deceleration is performed before the target value is reached and pulse output stops.Pulses are output from the specified channel when the control flag for this channel is FALSE and the execution condition is TRUE.



s_DUT_DataTable (DUT)

Starting address of area containing the data table

F171_PulseOutput_Jog_Positioning_Type0_DUT or F171_PulseOutput_Jog_Positioning_Type1_DUT
n_iPulseOutputChannel (decimal constant)

Pulse output channel:0–3


Select one of two different operation modes:

  • Type 0: The speed can be changed within the range of the specified target speed.

  • Type 1: The target speed can be changed once when the position control trigger input turns to TRUE.

Pulse output characteristics

  1.  (1) Initial and final speed
  2.  (2) Target speed
  3.  (3) Target value
  4.  (4) Acceleration time
  5.  (5) Deceleration time
  6.  (6) Execution condition
  7.  (7) Position control trigger input
  8.  (8) Pulse output control flag
  • The pulse output frequency changes according to the specified acceleration time and the specified deceleration time.

  • The difference between target speed and initial speed determines the slope of the acceleration ramp.

  • The difference between target speed and final speed determines the slope of the deceleration ramp.

  • After the position control trigger input has turned to TRUE, pulse output continues, then decelerates and stops when the target value is reached.

Stopping pulse output

Pulse output can be stopped by one of the following operations:

  • Turning the position control trigger to TRUE (pulse output continues until the target value has been reached and deceleration has completed): The position control trigger can be started by turning a position control trigger input to TRUE or by setting bit 6 of the data register storing the pulse output control code from FALSE to TRUE (e.g. MOVE(16#140, sys_wHscOrPulseControlCode);).

  • Requesting a decelerated stop: To perform a decelerated stop, set bit 5 of the data register storing the pulse output control code from FALSE to TRUE (e.g. MOVE(16#120, sys_wHscOrPulseControlCode);).When a decelerated stop is requested during acceleration, deceleration is performed with the same slope as deceleration from the target speed.

  • Executing an emergency stop: To perform an emergency stop, set bit 3 of the data register storing the pulse output control code from FALSE to TRUE (e.g. MOVE(16#108, sys_wHscOrPulseControlCode);).


When stopping, disable all pulse output functions for the channel used in the program.

JOG Operation Type 0

Use the following predefined DUT: F171_PulseOutput_Jog_Positioning_Type0_DUT

The following parameters can be specified in the DUT:

  • Control code

  • Initial and final speed

  • Target speed

  • Acceleration time

  • Deceleration time

  • Target value

The target speed can be changed during pulse output.Changing the target speed during pulse output

Without changing the target speed:

With changing the target speed:

  1. Initial and final speed

  2. Target speed

  3. Target value

  4. Acceleration time

  5. Deceleration time

  6. Execution condition

  7. Position control trigger input

  8. Pulse output control flag

  • To change the speed, keep the execution condition TRUE.

  • If the target speed is set to a value larger than 50kHz, it will be corrected to 50kHz.

  • If the elapsed value crosses over the acceleration forbidden area starting position (e.g. sys_diPulseChannel0AccelerationForbiddenAreaStartingPosition) during acceleration, acceleration cannot be performed.

  • The deceleration speed cannot be lower than the corrected final speed.

  • Changing the target speed is not possible if the instruction is executed in an interrupt program.

JOG Operation Type 1

Use the following predefined DUT: F171_PulseOutput_Jog_Positioning_Type1_DUT

The following parameters can be specified in the DUT:

  • Control code

  • Initial and final speed

  • Target speed1

  • Acceleration time

  • Target speed2

  • Change time

  • Deceleration time

  • Target value

Target speed 1< target speed 2:

Target speed 1> target speed 2:

  1. Initial and final speed

  2. Target speed

  3. Target speed

  4. Target value

  5. Acceleration time

  6. Change time

  7. Deceleration time

  8. Execution condition

  9. Position control trigger input

After the position control trigger input has turned to TRUE, the pulse output frequency will change using the change time to accelerate or decelerate to target speed 2. Further target speed changes are not possible. The position control trigger input will be disregarded if it is turned on during acceleration.

General programming information

  • As soon as you begin editing a program online (i.e., in RUN mode) using this instruction, pulse output will stop.

  • If both the main program and the interrupt program contain code for the same channel, make sure both are not executed simultaneously.

  • When a pulse output instruction is executed and pulses are being output, the pulse output control flag (e.g. sys_bIsPulseChannel0Active) of the corresponding channel is TRUE. No other pulse output instruction can be executed as long as this flag is TRUE.

  • Set the position control trigger input (X0, X1, X2, X3) in system register 402.

  • For the position control trigger input, only the rising edge (TRUE) is detected.

  • The instruction cannot be started when a decelerated stop has been requested.

  • To restart after stopping the operation, turn the execution condition to FALSE and then to TRUE again.

  • We strongly recommend that you incorporate a forced stop option in your positioning program.

  • The status of the high-speed counter control flag or pulse output control flag may change while a scan is being carried out. For example, if the number of received bytes is read more than once different statuses may exist within one scan.


POU header

All input and output variables used for programming this function have been declared in the POU header.The same POU header is used for all programming languages.

		Start: BOOL:=FALSE;
		dutJog: F171_PulseOutput_Jog_Positioning_Type0_DUT:=dwControlCode := 16#010,
diInitialAndFinalSpeed := 1000,
diTargetSpeed := 7000,
diAccelerationTime := 300,
diDecelerationTime := 450,
diTargetValue := 10000;
			(*Digit3: 0=Pulse output
Digit2: 1=Fixed
Digit0: 0=CW/CCW2*)
		diInitialAndFinalSpeed: DINT:=1000;
		@'': @'';

LD body

        ACTIVE_NETWORK := 0 ;
        NETWORK_LABEL :=  ;
        NETWORK_TITLE :=  ;
        NETWORK_HEIGHT := 5 ;
        NETWORK_LABEL :=  ;
        NETWORK_TITLE :=  ;
        NETWORK_HEIGHT := 5 ;

ST body

IF (Start) then
IF (Start) then
  F171_PulseOutput_Jog_Positioning(s_dutDataTable := dutJog, 0);

Modified on: 2022-03-02Feedback on this pagePanasonic hotline